In the last hour of the trading week last week, Friday April 21, 2023, the stock price of our favorite long-term play, (OTC: NLST) Netlist, Inc., shot up over 31% off the day’s lows, hitting a high of $4.21 on the day.

On what began as a relatively slow day of trading, NLST’s spike in share price would’ve seemed to have come out of nowhere. However, for us, and for those of you who’ve been following us for YEARS now, were pretty sure why. And, we weren’t at all surprised…
Rather, we felt vindicated because we FIRST alerted you all to NLST all the way back in 2021-2022 and we’ve been posting updates about it ever since.
See Exhibit 1-6
July 07, 2021:
July 21, 2021:
August 11, 2021:
January 2, 2022:
February 22, 2022:
April 4, 2022:
The Catalyst
So, what caused the 30% pop late last week? Enter tech giant Samsung.
Netlist sued Samsung in 2021, alleging Samsung memory products used in cloud-computing servers and other data-intensive technology infringe its patents.
Netlist said its innovations increase the power efficiency of memory modules and allow users to “derive useful information from vast amounts of data in a shorter period of time.”
A Netlist attorney told the jury that Samsung took its patented module technology after the companies had collaborated on another project, according to a court transcript and were asking the jury for $404 million in damages.
Samsung had argued that the patents were invalid and that its technology worked in a different way than Netlist’s inventions.
The case is Netlist Inc v. Samsung Electronics Co, U.S. District Court for the Eastern District of Texas, No. 2:21-cv-00463.
With that valuable piece of context in mind, and over an hour after markets closed last week, it was announced that Samsung was hit with a $303 million jury verdict computer-memory patent lawsuit that the tech company had been trying to keep quiet.
However, and as longtime readers of this blog should know, the company that WON the lawsuit was none other than Netlist Inc, NLST.
April 21, 2023 5:19pm
Samsung hit with $303 million jury verdict in computer-memory patent lawsuit
(Reuters) – Computer-memory company Netlist Inc convinced a federal jury in Texas on Friday to award it more than $303 million for Samsung Electronics Co’s infringement of several patents related to improvements in data processing.
The Jury determined that Samsung’s “memory modules” for high-performance computing willfully infringed all five patents that Netlist accused the Korean tech giant of violating.
Please Read The Full Article:
First of all, I can’t believe that the title of the news story left was written in the negative “Samsung hit with $303 million jury verdict” and left out the all important fact of WHICH COMPANY WON the lawsuit, when it very easily could’ve been included. These are the kinds of “half truths” that you will not find in my writing.
To cover the WHOLE TRUTH, the title should’ve been something like this:
“‘David VS Goliath:’ Netlist Inc. Awarded with $303 million jury verdict from Samsung in tech patent lawsuit”
You see how my hypothetical title gives MORE information than the actual title about the event?… This way, the title gives the context of the court case between the nimble Netlist and goliath that is Samsung. But, more importantly, it identifies the winner of the lawsuit.
Anyway, I apologize for the tangent. Getting back to NLST…
Why NLST Is A Long-Term Play
While their victory over Samsung was the catalyst behind the 30% pop late last Friday, the court case itself has been an ever present obstacle keeping NLST from moving higher. However, and in SPITE of the court case, NLST had still tallied up TRIPLE DIGIT GAINS of 244% YTD (year to date.)
Now, those are the types of gains that gave us the green light to tell literally everyone, including our own mothers’, about this long term play because, as many of you know, the essence of long term technical analysis is: higher highs; higher lows.
If you see a series of higher highs and higher lows in at least a quarter (3 months) of trading then you’re probably looking at a really solid long-term play to invest in.
Well, since the end of January 2023, we’ve seen a series of higher highs and higher lows for NLST. Share price appears to have found support at around $3.50, which is a level that has acted as resistance in the past. Put simply, higher highs; higher lows.
Why now?
For a tech giant like Samsung, a lawsuit such as the one with NLST is like a hiccup; uncomfortable for a moment but a totally normal part of the human experience. So, to Samsung, the $303 Million hit was just the cost of doing nefarious business… For Netlist, on the other hand, the lawsuit was like an all consuming black hole of time and money.
In other words, with the jury verdict determined, NLST can start turning more of its resources and attention back to what it does BEST. Back to doing what NOT EVEN SAMSUNG could do.. Which is exactly why Samsung infringed on NLST’s patents in the first place…
Ladies and gents, think about that for 2 seconds…
Netlist does something so complex and so much BETTER than Samsung that the tech giant felt it was necessary to WILLFULLY INFRINGE on several of NLST’s patents!
THAT is why it’s now or never for the shares of NLST… Because they’ve overcome the primary obstacle stopping them from being a household name like Nvidia or Oracle.
The only thing that can stop NLST now is… Not much…
That said, for those of you who are new here or who’ve missed the original alert AND its subsequent FIVE updates then we HIGHLY recommend that you get up to date as soon as possible (links above) because, if the last 30 minutes of trading last week is any indicator of what a post jury verdict Netlist looks like then the NLST train to greener pastures is leaving the station.
All aboard!
Small Cap Exclusive, owned by King Tide Media, has not been hired to publicly disseminate information about NLST via website, email, or SMS. King Tide Media has not been compensated to profile NFTG. A member of Small Cap Exclusive does own shares in NLST, purchased in the open market.