WNDW SolarWindow Technologies Stock Spikes After News of Production Moving Forward (OTCMKTS:WNDW)

Share of WNDW (OTCMKTS:WNDW) SolarWindows Technologies have seen 25% spike over last few trading sessions, from $3.60 to $4.80. On 8/29/17 WNDW released news that the company will go into production of its Electricity-Generating Glass with an award winning fabricator, Los Angeles-based Triview Glass Industries, LLC.
“The prospect of generating electricity on commercial buildings, which consume nearly 40% of all electricity generated in the US, is made possible when transparent SolarWindow™ electricity-generating liquid coatings are applied to glass surfaces.
As the company’s select regional fabricator in North America, Triview Glass will work to fabricate specific SolarWindow™ electricity-generating glass products at commercial scale by integrating SolarWindow™ technologies into its manufacturing processes.
Commercial buildings are ideal customers for electricity-generating windows, which could reduce electricity demand by 30%-50% and provide a one-year financial payback, according to independently-validated engineering modeling for a 50-story building. ”
Full News Released on 8/29/17 : Click Here
ON 8/29/17 Price per share of WNDW started trading around $3.69 and with massive volume the stock hit a high of $4.04. The following day WNDW opened at $4.07 and hit a high of $4.69. On 8/31/17 the price started to consolidate and came back off the highs, hitting a low of $4.05 before hitting support and closing the day around $4.25.
Volume has slowed a bit over the last few sessions but the WNDW pps has continued to show solid support and solid moves upward.
“We’ve long awaited the opportunity to integrate SolarWindow™ technologies into commercial scale production, and I believe that our agreement with Triview puts us well on that path,” explained SolarWindow President and CEO, Mr. John A. Conklin.
Business Description
SolarWindow Technologies, Inc., publicly traded under the symbol WNDW, is focused on the research, development and eventual commercialization of the first-of-its-kind see-through SolarWindow technology, capable of generating electricity on glass windows and flexible plastics.
SolarWindow™ achieves payback within one year, according to first-ever independently validated financial modeling results.
To produce the equivalent amount of energy with conventional solar systems would require at least 5-11 years for payback and at least 10-12 acres of valuable urban land.
Unlike the many acres of expensive downtown real estate required for solar array fields, SolarWindow™ systems can be installed on the readily-available vast window glass surfaces on tall towers and skyscrapers.
SolarWindow™ can be applied to all four sides of tall towers, generating electricity using natural, shaded, and even artificial light. Conventional solar simply does not work in shaded areas or perform under artificial light.
The result? SolarWindow™ can outperform today’s solar by as much as 50-fold when installed on a 50 story building, according to independently validated power production calculations.
Find more at the company website here : www.solarwindow.com
Our Opinion
We like everything about WNDW and its electricity-generating window technology. We believe that WNDW is a safe play and the future will bring many happy investors.