Nascent Biotech NBIO Stock Price is ready for another run? URGENT Update

NBIO stock price

Nascent Biotech NBIO Stock Price his at a 52 week high, could it...

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Nascent Biotech NBIO Stock Price his at a 52 week high, could it go even higher?

Wondering why this stock is breaking records and the rest of the market is struggling?

Before we do, remember to stop what you are doing and 👇 Sign up for our newsletter to get the latest breakout stocks and trending stocks!

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Before we get started, I wanted to introduce myself to you. Hi 🙋‍♂️ I’m Alexander Goldman and I have been successfully trading breakout stocks and trending stocks for two decades now.

I’m now helping traders find breakout stocks. My claim to fame is the expert at finding trending stocks.

What do I mean by big winners?

Stocks that move more than 100% in a month! NBIO Stock Price could?

Does that always happen, NO! But, I’m very good! Take a look at this article I wrote, where I called 5 stocks, 3 losers and 2 winners and they all did what I thought!

The article is HERE where I shine a spotlight on trending stocks and breakout stocks!

Now, let’s go over some of the basic information on this stock before we get in the technical analysis

Nascent Biotech Company Information

Company Name: Nascent Biotech Inc.

Ticker: NBIO

Exchange: OTC


Nascent Biotech Inc. Company Summary:

Nascent Biotech, Inc. is a clinical-stage biopharmaceutical company, which engages in the development of monoclonal antibodies for the treatment of various forms of cancer. It focuses on biologic drug candidates that are undergoing or have already completed initial clinical testing for the treatment of cancer and then seek to further develop those drug candidates for commercial use. Its products include Pritumumab, CLNH5, and MultiPharm. The company was founded in July 15, 2014 and is headquartered in Vero Beach, FL.

NBIO stock price is due to News?

June 7, 2022 / Nascent Biotech, Inc. (OTCQB:NBIO) (“Nascent Biotech”, “Nascent”, or the “Company”), a clinical-stage biotechnology Company pioneering the development of monoclonal antibodies targeting treatment of various cancers and viral infections, is pleased to announce the completion of the Third cohort in dosing patients for its Phase I trial for Brain Cancer. After reviewing the data gathered from the first three cohorts, this milestone will allow the trial to advance to the fourth and possibly final cohort.

NBIO 5 Day Chart


NBIO Stock Price Technical Analysis: NBIO Stock Price

The PPS is up over 73% over the last month. The volume is also up, to be exact it is up 254%!

I like the stock a lot, pay attention its about to pop in my opinion!

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