Hello 🙋♂️ I am the small cap stock trader Alexander Goldman but before I opened my trading accounts I was a typical young Jewish boy growing up on the Lower East Side.
My Abba taught me at a young age to be honest and to be clear and concise with my words. Therefore, I am not a licensed broker nor am I a licensed financial investor, nothing I publish in any of my content should be taken as financial advice, it is purely my opinion.

Alex Goldman’s Informative Childhood on the Lower East Side
My life was truly a cliché, my father owned a bakery and my dearest Eema tended to me and my two brothers.
I learned from a young age the importance of stewardship and I developed an interest in Finance.
Upon graduating college where I’m obtained my B.S. in Finance I traded on Wall ST.
I found that existance a step away from a metaphorical death. It was just, meh!
Alex says goodbye to corporate America Hello Small Cap Stocks!
I decided to become a day trader and work for myself, no more big investment banks, doing it for me and my new wife.
I found that I flourished without the bureaucracy and red tape of corporate America.
Now, I have been trading, at a very high level, breakout stocks and trending stocks for 20 years now.
Small Cap Exclusive announces Alexander Goldman Chief Editor
I found myself as the chief editor at Small Cap exclusive 4 years ago after building a cult-like following on the message boards.
Since then, I established the coveted HOT Stock Reporting system for small cap stocks, which provides my opinions on thousands of stocks annually for FREE.
Now, I’m helping traders find breakout stocks with true potential. I am tasked with delivering winners to our subscribers while minimizing the inherent exposure traders face even within a battle tested system such as The Hot Stock Reporting system.
I mentioned winners, what do I mean by big winners?
Stocks that move more than 100% in a month!
There are no guarantees in trading stocks and anyone who says different is a liar! But, I’m very consistent and setting goals in life is important!
My objective is to deliver as many winners as possible by in depth research & precise timing.
The Proof Is In The Pudding, take a look at these small cap stocks!
Take a look at this article I wrote below, where I called 5 stocks, 3 losers and 2 winners and they all did what I thought!
The article is HERE and I shine a spotlight on these breakout stocks and also those losers!
Wellfield (WFLD) gained 87% after my alert was issued in December!
The article and date can be found HERE!
One World Universe (OWUV) gained 271% after my alert was issued in December!
The article and date can be found HERE!
Small Cap Stock, Mainz Biomed (MYNZ) gained 79% after my alert was issued in January!
The article and date can be found HERE!
Petras Pharmaceutical (PTPI) gained 69% after my alert was issued in November!
The article and date can be found HERE!
As you can see from the articles above, November and December was very good months for our subscribers. The best part is, it’s free to join, so what are you waiting for? Sign up below and then simply watch on the sidelines to ensure I am who I a say I am!
What Is The Official Hot Stock Reporting System by stock trader Alexander Goldman.
As you can bear witness to the articles above, the reader had to do a bunch of reading to decipher what my opinions were. I felt like it was not concise and or clear about my position on a certain stock.
So I set out to develop a system for small cap stocks that was efficient yet in depth. It was developed for those who are busy with life and just wanted an article to get to the point!
So I established an easy to understand ranking system for my opinions on stocks. I call it, the Alexander Goldman’s “HOT Stock Ranking!”

Each time I write about a breakout stock I will stamp it with my ranking, as you can see from below two fires mean it is a 2 out of 4 on my ranking system which means add it to your watchlist.

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Think about it, if this breakout stock is only a 2 out of 4 what would a 4 out of 4 look like? Only way to know is to sign up, it’s FREE!
👇 Sign up for our newsletter to get the latest 🔥🔥🔥🔥 HOT small cap stocks and trending stocks!👇 In fact, I will send you personally a 🔥🔥🔥🔥 HOT stock as a thank you for joining our FREE newsletter.
Alexander Goldman’s Hot Stock Reporting System Explained
The official heat level for CA:IBAT above is a an arbitrary example of how I rate my stocks.
CA:IBAT is, a 🔥🔥 2 out of 4 which means I would recommend a trader to place it on your watchlist and keep an eye on it. This means, there are good qualities in the stock but at this moment in time they key indicators are not revealing a buy signal for me.
Stock Trader Alexander Goldman, How did you come up with a 2 out of 4?
I have a proprietary system, developed over the last 20 years, utilizing a combination of a 5 prong strategy, with 5 KPIs (Key Performance Indicators) derived specifically for small cap stocks.
Alexander Goldman’s 5 KPIs of Small Cap Stocks
The volume, which is plain and simply the demand associated with a stock.
The news, one of the key leading indicators is explosive news and a proprietary statistical database of historical news and average gains in correspondence.
The chart, I am a technical trader first and foremost so a chart tells a story like words explode off of the pages of your favorite novel. A technical trader will be able to determine if a stock is bullish or bearish. How to read a MACD signal and a simple weighted average indicator. It is the crux of trading and it takes decades to understand it at a high level.
The fundamentals, with my background in finance I can not disregard the overall importance of fundamentals when trading small cap stocks. Fundamentals are the ability to determine profitability by utilizing public documents such as balance sheets and cash flow statements.
Marketing efforts, why is the Big Mac the best selling burger ever? Marketing! Does McDonalds have too advertise, YES! It is a constant reminder that they are relevant and right around the corner. Publicly traded companies, specially small cap stocks, must advertise the validity of their stock to traders to be successful. So, I keep a close eye on investor relations firms and the companies that ear mark funds to disseminate important news to investors.
Stock Trader Alexander Goldman’s Personal Message to YOU
There are a lot of gimmicks on the internet. I understand the skepticism when someone offers something to good to be true.
So I will be very clear and honest about exactly what you can expect:
FREE breaking stock alerts
Continued Education
A spam free experience
We never sell your data
I firmly believe two heads are better than one. So, let’s work together to have the best trading year of our lives!
To receive my 🔥🔥🔥🔥 HOT stock as a thank you for joining our FREE newsletter, sign up today.
👇 Sign up for our newsletter to get the latest 🔥🔥🔥🔥 HOT stocks & we can compare notes 👇
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I am not a licensed broker nor am I a licensed financial investor, nothing I publish in any of my content should be taken as financial advice, it is purely my opinion.