Capital Financial Global CFGX Stock Price has been trying to recover since it’s July high of almost $.003.
Wondering why this stock is having such a hard time and if it can break the overall trend? Before we do, remember to stop what you are doing and 👇 Sign up for our newsletter to get the latest breakout stocks and trending stocks!
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Before we get started, I wanted to introduce myself to you. Hi 🙋♂️ I’m Alexander Goldman and I have been successfully trading breakout stocks and trending stocks for two decades now.
I’m now helping traders find breakout stocks. My claim to fame is the expert at finding trending stocks.
What do I mean by big winners?
Stocks that move more than 100% in a month! CFGX Stock Price could?
Does that always happen, NO! But, I’m very good! Take a look at this article I wrote, where I called 5 stocks, 3 losers and 2 winners and they all did what I thought!
The article is HERE where I shine a spotlight on trending stocks and breakout stocks!
Now, let’s go over some of the basic information on this stock before we get in the technical analysis
Capital Financial Global Company Information
Company Name: Capital Financial Global Inc.
Ticker: CFGX
Exchange: OTC
Capital Financial Global Company Summary:
Capital Financial Global, Inc. is a finance company, which provides asset-backed financing and loan advisory services. Its services include life insurance, commercial real estate, and residential real estate backed lending. The company was founded on June 8, 1988 and is headquartered in Murray, UT.
CFGX stock price is due to News?
NO NEWS, be aware
CFGX 5 Day Chart

CFGX Stock Price Technical Analysis:
No news, no real financials, I’m very suspect.
There are scalps with nice gains but I’m concerned because of the volatility.
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