Pluristem Therapeutics PSTI Collaboration

Pluristem Therapeutics PSTI

Pluristem Therapeutics PSTI signs a massive collaboration deal. Also, the stock looks great....

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Pluristem Therapeutics PSTI signs a massive collaboration deal. Also, the stock looks great. Take a look below.

Pluristem Therapeutics PSTI Company Summary

Company Name:  Pluristem Therapeutics Inc.

Ticker: PSTI

Exchange: NASDAQ


Pluristem Therapeutics Company Summary

Pluristem is pushing the boundaries of science and engineering to create cell-based products for commercial use. The Company’s cell therapies advance the field of regenerative medicine, with potentially groundbreaking applications for treating ischemia, damaged muscle, hematology deficiencies, and inflammation.

Moreover, pluristem Therapeutics’ sources its therapeutic cells from the placenta, an ethically accepted and potent source.

The Company’s manufacturing platform is a patented and validated state-of-the-art 3D cell expansion system. Pluristem’s method is uniquely accurate, cost-effective, and consistent from batch to batch.

Why did PSTI go up?

Jan. 10th 2021

Announced the launch of an innovative collaboration to develop, manufacture and commercialize cultured cell-based products for the food industry.

Therefore, the collaboration started with the incorporation of a new company (“NewCo”), that will receive exclusive, global, royalty bearing licensing rights to use Pluristem’s proprietary technology, intellectual property and knowhow, to be used in the field of cultured meat.

PSTI 3 Month Chart

Pluristem Therapeutics PSTI

PSTI 1 Day Chart

Pluristem Therapeutics PSTI

PSTI Technical Analysis

The $1.87 PPS for Pluristem Therapeutics PSTI is important before I would consider the trade. However, this stock is looking great! It gapped up big and pulled back for a minute and consolidated all day with a bullish lean.

Pluristem Therapeutics PSTI is possibly a winner, but I wouldn’t expect big things, probably sub 50% gains in the next few weeks.

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