Everything Lining Up Perfect for Meguma Gold (NSAU.CNX) Here is Why You Should Be Paying Attention

Meguma Gold NSAU.CN

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As trade tensions rise between what appears to be the only two economies capable of staving off a global recession in the US and China, we’ve been on the lookout for plays that traditionally weather the storm that often comes with a pullback.

One such play that’s flying completely under the radar right now has us very excited and we are happy to bring it to you before anyone else. It’s a North American Gold mining play that has some unique advantages over the other guys that we want to share with you.

After Major Buyout All Eyes on Meguma Gold

The company’s name is MegumaGold Corp, which traditionally trades in the Canadian markets under the ticker NSAU.CN but can also be found on the American OTC trading under the ticker NSAUF.

Currently trading at the low price of $0.0892, MegumaGold Corp is a fresh face in the mining exploration industry that began trading around this time last year but don’t let that fool you as the company is one of the single largest mineral claims holders in Nova Scotia and has the potential to constitute a district-scale gold development opportunity across their 179,280 hectare land position and over 11,147 mineral claims.

Meguma Gold NSAU.CN

When it comes to mining companies worth our watch list, it all comes down to location, location, location. There’s simply nothing a mining CEO can do if there’s nothing worth mining on the land. With that being said, we believe that MegumaGold has tapped into something worth your immediate attention.

Why do we believe this? Because they own land bordering one of the biggest success stories in junior gold mining this year. 

Atlantic Gold saw its price surge 73% YTD after receiving a buyout offer of $802 Million from Australian gold producer St Barbara for 100% of the gold company.

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Because of this buyout offer, and the fact that MegumaGold’s extensive land holdings are directly adjacent to Atlantic Gold’s, many analysts believe that there is significant gold content near the surface of MegumaGold’s projects. This is an excellent sign that MegumaGold is in the right position to capitalize on their potentially perfect location.

Could MegumaGold have the potential to get a buyout opportunity like Atlantic Gold? Only time will tell but if recent news is any indicator, I think they’ve struck gold on this one.

Why? Because MegumaGold hopped onto our radar back at the end of May after announcing that its initial field work at its Ecum Secum property has returned composite samples grading gold as high as 49.79 g/t from waste rock piles associated with past mining operations. These results, in part, support presence of gold mineralization in geology additional to the main veins targeted in past production.

Ecum Secum is a site of past high-grade gold production for which Nova Scotia government assessment reporting records show an average grade of approximately 12 g/t for total estimated production of 1,275 ounces of gold from 2,984 tons (2707 tonnes) processed.

Further, the company has sufficient capital to continue their drill program and their numerous historical deposits and mineral claims could lead to additional discoveries.

Get The Full Report Here: https://finance.yahoo.com/news/megumagold-fieldwork-returns-49-79-113000604.html

Now while location is a key indicator for success when it comes to gold mining, it means almost nothing if the company that owns the land doesn’t have a plan in place to move forward with exploration and extraction. Again, MegumaGold surprised us with a few key catalysts that have made us very happy as we completed our due diligence on this junior gold mining company play.

Meguma Gold NSAU.CN

MegumaGold Key Catalysts:

  • Properties contain large number of gold showings and exploration targets identified by historical work.
  • Disseminated gold model and extensive anticlines onstrike have not been fully assessed with advanced exploration.
  • MegumaGold portfolio provides an opportunity for immediate discovery by modern low-cost gold exploration methods.
  • MegumaGold holds a premier land position for testing disseminated gold deposits – adjacent to Atlantic Gold’s operations.
  • MegumaGold is well-funded to support advanced exploration and major drilling campaign.

MegumaGold Project Summary:

  • MegumaGold has acquired 11,147 mineral claims totaling 179,280 hectares becoming one of Nova Scotia’s single largest mineral claim holders.
  • Claims staked along under-explored trends of known gold occurrences within anticlinal structures Meguma now controls approximately 466 km (total strike length) of gold-prospective anticlines.
  • Recently completed a 12,342 kilometre aeromagnetic and radiometric survey and acquired 1,110 square kilometres of LiDAR.
  • Planning an aggressive state of the art exploration program to develop a proprietary “fingerprint” model for identifying new deposits and drill targets.
  • MegumaGold believes that these land holdings constitute a district-scale gold exploration and development opportunity.

Nova Scotia:

Nova Scotia has a rich gold mining history with in excess of 65 historic gold districts hosting a plethora of past mining operations. Between 1862 and 1927, it was reported that almost 1 Million ounces of gold was mined from over 2 million tons of crushed material.

And, in recent years, after completing extensive geological work, Nova Scotia has seen a resurgence of gold mining as its a safe mining jurisdiction with a strong local mining force that is also being supported by the Nova Scotian Government.

Nova Scotia has experienced a paradigm shift in the understanding of the genesis and economic potential of its gold deposits.

As stated, gold in Nova Scotia has been mined intermittently since the 1860’s from over 350 locations, mainly from high-grade, nugget-style quartz veins. Discovery in the late 1980’s of significant, disseminated gold hosted within argillaceous shales at the Touquoy Deposit in Moose River and the recent opening of Canada’s newest mine by Atlantic Gold has renewed interest in Nova Scotia’s historic gold districts.

MegumaGold believes this new understanding of the greater deposit model demonstrates how historic vein-focused production extracted but a mere fraction of the total gold potential and that wide zones of non-visible, disseminated gold in Nova Scotia, presents an opportunity to advance Nova Scotia as a world-scale gold mining district.

Positioned for Success Through Anticlinal Control

In Nova Scotia, significant quantities of gold are hosted in regional-scale anticlinal structures. These structures are critical to the concentration of gold in near surface, low-cost economic quantities.

The evolution of the disseminated gold model has also generated new investor and industry awareness of the significant potential of Nova Scotia’s anticlinal structures.

Through Meguma’s 100% owned 11,147 mineral claims totaling 179,280 hectare the company estimates that it now controls approximately 466 km of gold-prospective anticlines.

Meguma Gold NSAU.CN

Killag Project

  • Through its maiden drill campaign at Killag the company has established anomalous gold over a strike length of more than a 1km
  • The Killag Gold District held by MegumaGold is reported in Nova Scotia Department of Energy and Mines database records as having produced at least 3,500 ounces of gold from underground mining between 1869 and 1946 at an estimated average gold grade of 0.96 oz/ton (32.91 g/t). Historic work in the immediate area of past mining is documented in government records and these clearly show that the property has not been extensively explored to date.  
  • The 2019 maiden RC drilling program completed by the Company resulted in the discovery of new, high grade gold mineralization intercepts in zones of combined quartz veins and argillite that occur in the vicinity of past workings and also to both east and west of the workings area, which was most directly tested by previous exploration. These new mineralized intercepts remain open in both strike and dip extents within the Axial Zone and are targeted for additional drilling during the 2019 field season.
  • Interpreted results of 2018 airborne geophysics, historic work compilation and 3D modelling programs by MegumaGold were used to target 2019 RC drill holes at Killag. In February and early March of 2019. 20 inclined RC drill holes (1622m) were completed to initially test the Axial Zone mineralization concept in the “Killag East” area and to provide stratigraphic assessments in the Killag Central and Killag West areas.

Dufferin Gold Project:

  • The Dufferin Gold Project consist of 218 claims covering approximately 3,529 Ha
  • Meguma Gold claims are located along strike and adjacent to Resource Capital Gold Corp’s property.
  • Discovered in 1868, production on the adjacent property totaled approximately 35,300 ounces of gold mined from 110,566 tons of ore between 1883 and 1925 from 18 vein systems over a strike length of 1.5 km
  • East Dufferin was discovered in the early 1980’s, production in 2001 of 55,000 tonnes averaging a recovered grade of 13.4 g/t Au. A total of 35 quartz saddle reef zones have now be discovered over 3 km of strike length
  • Adjacent property hosts an Indicated Resource of 115,500 tonnes @ 11.9 g/t gold for 58,000 contained ounces and an Inferred Resource of 703,900 tonnes @ 6.6 g/t gold for 150,000 contained ounces (NI 43-101 Resource Estimate – Resource Capital Gold Corp – April 2017)
  • Recent PEA completed on adjacent property indicates 216,050 gold ounces could be recovered over a 10 year mine-life with a post-tax $89.2M NPV (5%) and 121% IRR (NI 43-101 PEA – Resource Capital Gold Corp – Apr 2017)

Goldboro & Isaacs Harbour

  • The Goldboro & Isaacs Harbour claim blocks consist of 174 claims covering approximately 2,815 Ha and located along strike and adjacent to Anaconda Mining Inc.’s property
  • Mining in the Goldboro area between 1893 and 1912 produced approx. 55,000 ounces of gold mined from approx. 415,000 tons of ore at an average grade of 6.7 g/t
  • Mining in the Goldboro area between 1893 and 1912 produced approx. 55,000 ounces of gold mined from approx. 415,000 tons of ore at an average grade of 6.7 g/t
  • A total of 65,968 metres of surface and underground diamond drilling was completed between 1984 and 2011 on the adjacent property
  • Adjacent Goldboro property hosts a Measured & Indicated Resource of 3,645,000 tonnes @ 4.48 g/t gold for 525,400 contained ounces and Inferred Resource of 2,542,000 tonnes @ 4.25 g/t gold for 347,300 contained ounces – combined open-pit & underground mining scenario (NI 43-101 PEA – Anaconda Mining Inc. – Mar 2018)
  • Recent PEA completed on adjacent Goldboro property indicates 375,900 gold ounces could be recovered over an 8.8 year mine-life with a post-tax $61M NPV (7%) and 26% IRR (NI 43-101 PEA – Anaconda Mining Inc. – Mar 2018)

Mooseland Area Project

  • The Mooseland Area Project consist of 243 claims covering approximately 3,934 Ha
  • Meguma Gold claims are located along strike and adjacent to NS Gold Corporation’s property
  • Discovered in 1858, production in the area totalled approximately 3,865 ounces of gold mined from 9,058 tons of ore between 1863 and 1934
  • Historically mined from stratabound, quartz vein-hosted gold mineralization
  • Between 1986 and 2011, 3 companies completed 183 diamond drill holes totalling 44,385 metres in the area
  • An adjacent property hosts an Inferred Resource of 2,520,000 tonnes @ 5.6 g/t gold for 454,000 contained ounces (NI 43-101 Resource Estimate, July 2012 – NSGold Corporation)

Greater Goldenville Area

  • The Greater Goldenville Area Project consist of 233 claims covering approximately 3,772 Ha
  • Meguma Gold claims are located along strike and adjacent to Osprey Gold’s property
  • Approximately 212,300 ounces of gold mined in the area from 551,797 tonnes of ore between 1862 and 1942
  • Historically mined from stratabound, quartz vein-hosted gold mineralization
  • 150 drill holes totalling 30,159 metres have been completed in the area since 1985
  • The adjacent Osprey Gold property hosts an Inferred Resource of 2,800,000 tonnes @ 3.20 g/t gold for 288,000 contained ounces – combined open-pit and underground scenario (NI 43-101 Resource Estimate Osprey Gold–Mar 2017)

Greater Beaverdam Project

  • The Beaver Dam claim group consists of 114 claims covering roughly 1,824 Ha on strike of Atlantic Gold’s property which contains a 43-101 resource cut-off grade of 0.5 g/t Au, the optimized pit shell contains Measured and Indicated Resources of 9.27 Mt at an average grade of 1.43 g/t Au and 1.84 Mt of material at 1.37 g/t Au in the Inferred category (Atlantic Gold website).
  • Gold was first discovered in the Beaver Dam area in 1889 and by 1941 a total of 967 oz were mined.
  • From 1986 to 1989 Seabright mined approximately 41,119 tonnes at a grade of 1.85, almost exclusively quartz material.

Fifteen Mile Stream Regional Project

  • The Fifteen Mile Stream claim block consists of 177 mineral claims covering 2,865 Ha. Gold was first discovered in the Fifteen Mile area in 1867 with about 19,400oz mined between 1883 and 1911.
  • The Fifteen Mile Stream claim block encompasses the northeast extension of the anticlinal structure which hosts Atlantic Gold’s 43-101 compliant resource described as; a selected cut-off grade of 0.35 g/t Au the optimized pit shell for Fifteen Mile Stream contains Measured and Indicated Resources of 10.58 Mt at an average grade of 1.33 g/t Au and 6.64 Mt of material at 1.12 g/t Au in the Inferred category.

Cochrane Hill Regional Project

  • The Cochrane hill block consists of 556 mineral claims covering 9’001 Ha
  • The Cochrane hill claim block is located along strike of Atlantic Gold’s Cochrane Hill property which had a 43-101 resource estimate completed in 2017.  At a selected cut-off grade of 0.35 g/t Au the optimized pit shell for Atlantic Gold’s Cochrane Hill contains Measured and Indicated Resources of 10.66 Mt at an average grade of 1.16 g/t Au and 1.63 Mt of Inferred material at 1.32 g/t Au.

Moose River Area Project

  • The Moose River block consist of 282 mineral claims covering 4,565 Ha and contains the extension of the anticline structure which hosts Atlantic Gold’s Touquoy deposit which contains a resource of 10.1 Mt at an average grade of 1.5 g/t Au and 1.6 Mt of inferred material at 1.5 g/t Au (Atlantic Gold Website)
  • Gold production in the Moose River area dates back to 1877 and approximately 21,500 oz were produced in the area prior to Atlantic Gold becoming active.

The Team:

Theo van der Linde, CA President and Director: Mr. van der Linde is Chartered Accountant with 17 years of extensive finance, administration and public accounting experience in mining, oil & gas, financial services, manufacturing and retail industries. He has extensive experience with Junior Exploration (Mining and Oil & Gas) and producing mining companies at various stages of growth. He has in the past, and is currently working on projects in South Africa, West-Africa, East-Africa, Peru, United Kingdom, Sri-Lanka and the United States.

Regan Isenor CEO: Mr. Isenor obtained a B.A. from Acadia University and Masters in Project Management from Saint Mary’s University and has 14 years’ experience in exploration projects around the world with publicly traded companies. Mr. Isenor has worked on various international projects in Turkey (Menderes), West Africa (Burkina Faso, Bissa Hill deposit, Mali Siribaya Gold project), Ireland (Zinc), Northern Ontario and at home in Nova Scotia. Mr. Isenor served on the executive and was a past president of the Mining Society of Nova Scotia.

Fred Tejada, P.Geo. Independent Director: Mr. Tejada is a professional geologist registered in British Columbia. He has over 30 years of international mineral industry experience and has a proven track record, working with both major and junior mining and exploration focused organizations. He is currently CEO and director of European Electric Metals Inc, a company focused on electrification metals. Mr. Tejada was Country Manager for Phelps Dodge Exploration Corporation in the Philippines and previously Vice President for Exploration of Panoro Minerals Ltd. where he directed the resource definition drilling of its two major copper projects in Peru. He had also been previously involved in the exploration of the Trend and the Belcourt Saxon coal projects in Northeast British Columbia. Mr. Tejada is also a director of several junior mining companies based in Vancouver, BC.

Stephen Stine, PE Independent Director: Mr. Stine is a mining executive with 39 years’ experience in public/private company formation, acquisitions, turnarounds, debt and equity financings and mine operations around the world. Mr. Stine is a co-founder and former director of Alamos Gold where he served as COO in charge of exploration and production. Mr. Stine previously worked for Southern Peru Copper in Peru and speaks Spanish. Most recently, Mr. Stine acted as Director and COO of Etruscan Resources where he was responsible for turning around the Youga Gold Mine in Burkina Faso, West Africa. During that time, the mine doubled production and the cost of production was reduced by 50%.

The bottom line for MegumaGold is that they are continuing to execute on a sound business plan to establish the premier gold exploration opportunity base within Nova Scotia’s developing Meguma gold belt. 

The pending acquisition of Atlantic Gold is a Gold Star indicator that they have positioned themselves in a new and untapped gold vein worth immediate attention as the province has now received international recognition as an emerging gold district that validates the bulk tonnage model Atlantic Gold first recognized and then perfected with the industry’s lowest cost per ounce.

All in all, Atlantic Gold was the trailblazer and MegumaGold is acting with sound mining strategy, taking advantage of a new golden era in Nova Scotia. Make sure to continue to follow MegumaGold as this one continues to develop.

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