Kolibri Global Energy Inc. CA:KEI stock price and chart looks great, is it time to sell or rebuy? Famed stock picker, Alexander Goldman has his analysis, take a look below.
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Before we get started, I wanted to introduce myself to you. Hi 🙋♂️ I’m Alexander Goldman and I have been successfully trading breakout stocks and trending stocks for two decades now.
I’m now helping traders find breakout stocks. My claim to fame is the expert at finding trending stocks.
What do I mean by big winners?
Stocks that move more than 100% in a month! CA:KEI Stock Price could?
Does that always happen, NO! But, I’m very good! Take a look at this article I wrote, where I called 5 stocks, 3 losers and 2 winners and they all did what I thought!
The article is HERE where I shine a spotlight on trending stocks and breakout stocks!
If you want stocks delivered to your inbox, no hassle, no research with this massive community of traders, sign up below. Now, let’s go over some of the basic information on this stock before we get in the technical analysis.
Kolibri Global Energy Inc. Company Information
Company Name: Kolibri Global Energy Inc.
Ticker: CA:KEI
Exchange: Canadian Stock Exchange
Website: https://www.kolibrienergy.com/
Kolibri Global Energy Company Summary:
Kolibri Global Energy, Inc. is an international energy company. It is focused on finding and exploiting energy projects in oil, gas and clean and sustainable energy. The firm operates through the United State, Canada, and Other segments. The company was founded on May 6, 2008 and is headquartered in Newbury Park, CA.
CA:KEI stock price is due to News?
NEWBURY PARK, Calif., (BUSINESS WIRE) — Kolibri Global Energy Inc. (the “Company” or “KEI”) (TSX: KEI, OTCQB: KGEIF) is providing an update on the Barnes 7-3H well (98.07% working interest), which began flowback production last week in its Tishomingo field in Oklahoma.
The Barnes 7-3H well is currently flowing back stimulation fluid at a rate that has been restricted by the Company’s operations team. Despite the restricted rate, the well is producing approximately 400 barrels of oil a day. It is still early in the cleanup process, with only about 3.5% of the stimulation fluid recovered to date.
CA:KEI 5 Day Chart

CA:KEI Stock Price Technical Analysis:
The chart looks amazing. I like the stock it is bullish and the 5 day chart looks amazing.
Once again my name is Alex and I’m so glad you took the time to read this far. I would love to have you be apart of our growing family of traders.
I always like giving tid bits of knowledge that I have learned from my mentors, so here goes. As a reminder to all of the traders out there to leave your emotions at the door and never, ever, try to catch a falling safe. Simply let it crash to the ground and then, walk over and pick up the money. That is a reference to bounce plays LOL.
I strive to find breakout stock alerts and deliver them before the market finds out. I’m the original OG trend setter of trending stocks! If you want stocks delivered to your inbox, no hassle, no research with this massive community of traders, sign up below.
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