AST SpaceMobile ASTS stock price, is it time to sell or rebuy? Exclusive analysis!

DirecAST SpaceMobile ASTS stock price is half of it’s all-time high, has it officially reversed trend? Famed stock picker, Alexander Goldman has his analysis, take a look below.

Before we do, remember to stop what you are doing and 👇 Sign up for our newsletter to get the latest breakout stocks and trending stocks!

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Before we get started, I wanted to introduce myself to you. Hi 🙋‍♂️ I’m Alexander Goldman and I have been successfully trading breakout stocks and trending stocks for two decades now.

I’m now helping traders find breakout stocks. My claim to fame is the expert at finding trending stocks.

What do I mean by big winners?

Stocks that move more than 100% in a month! ASTS Stock Price could?

Does that always happen, NO! But, I’m very good! Take a look at this article I wrote, where I called 5 stocks, 3 losers and 2 winners and they all did what I thought!

The article is HERE where I shine a spotlight on trending stocks and breakout stocks!

If you want stocks delivered to your inbox, no hassle, no research with this massive community of traders, sign up below. Now, let’s go over some of the basic information on this stock before we get in the technical analysis.

Company Name: AST SpaceMobile Inc.

Ticker: ASTS

Exchange: NASDAQ


Breakout Stock AST SpaceMobile Inc. Company Summary:

AST Spacemobile, Inc. engages in the building global broadband cellular network in space to operate directly with standard, unmodified mobile devices based on extensive IP and patent portfolio. The company’s team of engineers and space scientists are on a mission to eliminate the connectivity gaps faced by today’s five billion mobile subscribers and finally bring broadband to the billions who remain unconnected. The company was founded on May 31, 2017 and is headquartered in Midland, TX.

ASTS stock price is due to News?

March 9th 2022

Announced it has signed a multi-launch agreement with Space Exploration Technologies Corp. (“SpaceX”). In addition to the planned summer launch of the BlueWalker 3 test satellite (BW3), the agreement covers the launch of the first BlueBird satellite and provides a framework for future launches.

This is huge news, SPaceX is a globally recognized space exploration company!

ASTS 5 Day Chart

trending stock

Trending Stock ASTS Stock Price Technical Analysis:

An a agreement with SpaceX, say what! This is big news and I like the stock! It is a trending stock!

Caveat, I feel like it is over bought today so I would wait for a pull back and consolidation before I would purchase!

Once again my name is Alex and I’m so glad you took the time to read this far. I would love to have you be apart of our growing family of traders.

I always like giving tid bits of knowledge that I have learned from my mentors, so here goes. As a reminder to all of the traders out there to leave your emotions at the door and never, ever, try to catch a falling safe. Simply let it crash to the ground and then, walk over and pick up the money. That is a reference to bounce plays LOL.

For instance, trending stock ASTS should pullback very soon, don’t try to catch it at the “perfect” moment and get caught in the fall. Simply wait until it “crashes” to the ground, meaning, a confirmed bottom and reversal. Then you buy it, if you want.

I strive to find breakout stock alerts and deliver them before the market finds out. I’m the original OG trend setter of trending stocks! If you want stocks delivered to your inbox, no hassle, no research with this massive community of traders, sign up below.

I sure hope you enjoyed this article, if you would like to receive more exclusive content from me sign up for our newsletter below 👇

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Direct Digital Holdings DRCT stock price, is it time to sell or rebuy? Exclusive analysis!

trending stock DRCT

Direct Digital Holdings DRCT stock price is at an all-time high, is it time to sell or rebuy? Famed stock picker, Alexander Goldman has his analysis, take a look below.

Before we do, remember to stop what you are doing and 👇 Sign up for our newsletter to get the latest breakout stocks and trending stocks!

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Before we get started, I wanted to introduce myself to you. Hi 🙋‍♂️ I’m Alexander Goldman and I have been successfully trading breakout stocks and trending stocks for two decades now.

I’m now helping traders find breakout stocks. My claim to fame is the expert at finding trending stocks.

What do I mean by big winners?

Stocks that move more than 100% in a month! DRCT Stock Price could?

Does that always happen, NO! But, I’m very good! Take a look at this article I wrote, where I called 5 stocks, 3 losers and 2 winners and they all did what I thought!

The article is HERE where I shine a spotlight on trending stocks and breakout stocks!

If you want stocks delivered to your inbox, no hassle, no research with this massive community of traders, sign up below. Now, let’s go over some of the basic information on this stock before we get in the technical analysis.

Direct Digital Holdings Inc. Company Information

Company Name: Direct Digital Holdings Inc.

Ticker: DRCT

Exchange: NASDAQ


Direct Digital Holdings Inc. Company Summary:

Formed in 2018, Direct Digital Holdings provides both a demand-side ad platform (DSP) and a supply-side ad platform (SSP). Trades on NASDAQ

DRCT stock price is due to News?

March 9, 2022

Announced that its buy-side advertising platform, Orange142, has once again been named digital agency of record for the Pigeon Forge Department of Tourism. This new 5-year agreement builds on Orange142’s nearly 25-year relationship with Pigeon Forge.

The town of 7,000 residents saw an economic impact of over $2 billion from tourism in 2021, marking a 100 percent increase in Pigeon Forge’s overall tourism tax base over the last 5 years. The plan for the next 5 years is to drive incremental uptick in the region’s new visitor base, party size, party spend and length-of-stay, as well as targeted initiatives to increase tourism from key markets including Chicago, Washington DC, Indianapolis and Tampa Bay.

DRCT 1 Day Chart

trending stock

DRCT Stock Price Technical Analysis:

This NASDAQ trending stock is neutral right now. What does that mean? It means it is risky! I would wait for the stock to decide what it’s next move could be, hence neutral. It might go in drive and it might go in reverse. So the prudent move is to wait and see, time it and make your move!

Once again my name is Alex and I’m so glad you took the time to read this far. I would love to have you be apart of our growing family of traders.

I always like giving tid bits of knowledge that I have learned from my mentors, so here goes. As a reminder to all of the traders out there to leave your emotions at the door and never, ever, try to catch a falling safe. Simply let it crash to the ground and then, walk over and pick up the money. That is a reference to bounce plays LOL.

I strive to find breakout stock alerts and deliver them before the market finds out. I’m the original OG trend setter of trending stocks! If you want stocks delivered to your inbox, no hassle, no research with this massive community of traders, sign up below.

I sure hope you enjoyed this article, if you would like to receive more exclusive content from me sign up for our newsletter below 👇

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WUC stock price, is it time to sell or rebuy? Exclusive analysis! Template

WUC stock report

Western Uranium & Vanadium Corp. WUC stock price and chart looks great, is it time to sell or rebuy? Famed stock picker, Alexander Goldman has his analysis, take a look below.

Before we do, remember to stop what you are doing and 👇 Sign up for our newsletter to get the latest breakout stocks and trending stocks!

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Before we get started, I wanted to introduce myself to you. Hi 🙋‍♂️ I’m Alexander Goldman and I have been successfully trading breakout stocks and trending stocks for two decades now.

I’m now helping traders find breakout stocks. My claim to fame is the expert at finding trending stocks.

What do I mean by big winners?

Stocks that move more than 100% in a month! WUC Stock Price could?

Does that always happen, NO! But, I’m very good! Take a look at this article I wrote, where I called 5 stocks, 3 losers and 2 winners and they all did what I thought!

The article is HERE where I shine a spotlight on trending stocks and breakout stocks!

If you want stocks delivered to your inbox, no hassle, no research with this massive community of traders, sign up below. Now, let’s go over some of the basic information on this stock before we get in the technical analysis.

Direct Digital Holdings Western Uranium & Vanadium Corp. Company Information

Company Name: Western Uranium & Vanadium Corp.

Ticker: WUC

Exchange: Canadian Stock Exchange


Western Uranium & Vanadium Corp. Company Summary:

Western Uranium & Vanadium Corp. is a Colorado based uranium and vanadium mining company. It is engaged in the exploration, development, mining, and production of uranium and vanadium resource properties. The company was founded by George E. L. Glasier on December 29, 2006 and is headquartered in Toronto, Canada.

WUC stock price is due to News?

Feb 14th, 2022

Sunday Mine Complex – GMG Ore Body: Production Update
The first phase of the ongoing Sunday Mine Complex project was to define and develop the GMG Ore Body (“GMG”); however after 30 feet of waste rock removal high-grade uranium ore has been intersected continuously. Thus the team began mining the ore in front of them, from the main drift (tunnel), without targeting the highest grade ore zones. Because of the project’s success, the mining contractor began probing and logging the 10-ton load hauls. On 25 individual days from December to early February, the mining contractor probed and logged each of the 200 load hauls five times; the 2,000 tons of new production was moved into four separate underground stockpiles. The mining contractor has reported a uranium grade of 1% (0.9962) and a vanadium grade, by the 1:6 historic ratio, of about 6%. This translates into uranium/vanadium stockpile quantities of 39,800 lbs of uranium and 239,000 lbs of vanadium. At current market prices, the post-processing recovery value is over $3.5 million. (1)(2) Ore production is continuing and an additional mining operations update is expected in about 2 weeks. Work at the GMG Ore Body has been highlighted in a slide show added to Western’s website (

WUC 5 Day Chart

WUC stock price

WUC Stock Price Technical Analysis:

The chart looks amazing. I like the stock it is bullish and the 5 day chart looks amazing.

Once again my name is Alex and I’m so glad you took the time to read this far. I would love to have you be apart of our growing family of traders.

I always like giving tid bits of knowledge that I have learned from my mentors, so here goes. As a reminder to all of the traders out there to leave your emotions at the door and never, ever, try to catch a falling safe. Simply let it crash to the ground and then, walk over and pick up the money. That is a reference to bounce plays LOL.

I strive to find breakout stock alerts and deliver them before the market finds out. I’m the original OG trend setter of trending stocks! If you want stocks delivered to your inbox, no hassle, no research with this massive community of traders, sign up below.

I sure hope you enjoyed this article, if you would like to receive more exclusive content from me sign up for our newsletter below 👇

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Mullen Automotive MULN Stock Price exploded but is the run over? Exclusive Report

MULN Stock Price

MULN Stock Price is up over 50% with a volume increase of 27%. There has been some early signs of a possible retrace so let’s look at it a little closer.

Wondering why this stock is having such a hard time and if it can break the overall trend? Keep reading to find out more!

Before we do, remember to stop what you are doing and 👇 Sign up for our newsletter to get the latest breakout stocks and trending stocks!

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Before we get started, I wanted to introduce myself to you. Hi 🙋‍♂️ I’m Alexander Goldman and I have been successfully trading breakout stocks and trending stocks for two decades now.

I’m now helping traders find breakout stocks. My claim to fame is the expert at finding trending stocks.

What do I mean by big winners?

Stocks that move more than 100% in a month! MULN Stock Price could?

Does that always happen, NO! But, I’m very good! Take a look at this article I wrote, where I called 5 stocks, 3 losers and 2 winners and they all did what I thought!

The article is HERE where I shine a spotlight on trending stocks and breakout stocks!

Now, let’s go over some of the basic information on this stock before we get in the technical analysis

Mullen Automotive Inc. Company Information

Company Name: Mullen Automotive Inc.

Ticker: MULN

Exchange: NASDAQ


Netlist Inc. Company Summary:

Mullen Automotive Inc. operates as an electric car company. It develops electric vehicles and energy solutions. The company was founded by David Michery in 2014 and is headquartered in Brea, California.

MULN stock price is due to News?

May 31st

  • Mullen Automotive Inc (NASDAQ: MULN) has put forth the results of its solid-state polymer battery testing with the Battery Innovation Center (BIC) in Indiana.
  • “The battery has performed exceptionally well, and I’m pleased with the results from BIC in Indiana,” said David Michery, CEO and chairman.
  • Testing results from BIC show the solid-state polymer cell, rated at 300 Ah and 3.7 volts, tested at 343.28 Ah at 4.2 volts, exceeding expectation and is in line with test tolerance from previous EV Grid test results.

Feb. 28, 2022 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — via InvestorWire — Mullen Automotive, Inc. (NASDAQ: MULN) (“Mullen” or the “Company”), an emerging electric vehicle (“EV”) manufacturer, announces an update on Mullen’s next-generation solid-state polymer battery technology, which is a significant advancement over today’s current lithium-Ion batteries.

MULN 5 Day Chart


MULN Stock Price Technical Analysis:

I like the stock only if it can beat resistance at $1.55 and if you are truly conservative the $1.66 PPS is important too. The 1 day is showing the bearish move so just be aware of the movement.

This is Alex, reminding all the traders out there to leave your emotions at the door and never, ever, try to catch a falling knife. I strive to find breakout stock alerts and deliver them before the market finds out.

I sure hope you enjoyed this article, if you would like to receive more exclusive content from me sign up for our newsletter below

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Clean Vision CLNV Stock Price is up BIG! Time Sensitive UPDATE Inside

CLNV stock price

Clean Vision Corp. CLNV Stock Price has been trying to recover since it’s April high of almost $.17 Wondering why this stock is having such a hard time and if it can break the overall trend?

Before we do, remember to stop what you are doing and 👇 Sign up for our newsletter to get the latest breakout stocks and trending stocks!

[thrive_leads id=’14274′]

Before we get started, I wanted to introduce myself to you. Hi 🙋‍♂️ I’m Alexander Goldman and I have been successfully trading breakout stocks and trending stocks for two decades now.

I’m now helping traders find breakout stocks. My claim to fame is the expert at finding trending stocks.

What do I mean by big winners?

Stocks that move more than 100% in a month! CLNV Stock Price could?

Does that always happen, NO! But, I’m very good! Take a look at this article I wrote, where I called 5 stocks, 3 losers and 2 winners and they all did what I thought!

The article is HERE where I shine a spotlight on trending stocks and breakout stocks!

Now, let’s go over some of the basic information on this stock before we get in the technical analysis

Clean Vision Corp. Company Information

Company Name: Clean Vision Corp.

Ticker: CLNV

Exchange: OTC


Clean Vision Corp. Company Summary:

Clean Vision Corp. operates as a Investment company enacting mergers and acquisitions in the tech space. It focuses on re-positioning in to the broader technology sector to monetize acquired companies by connecting them with blue chip and larger organizations with specific tech challenges. The company was founded on February 24, 2003 and is headquartered in Manhattan Beach, CA.

CLNV stock price is due to News?

Feb 23, 2022

Announced its Clean-Seas subsidiary reports its pilot pyrolysis plant has arrived in Mumbai, India, on schedule and in excellent condition.

CLNV 5 Day Chart

CLNV stock price

CLNV Stock Price Technical Analysis:

I love it! The chart is very pretty on the 5 day and 1 day!

This is Alex, reminding all the traders out there to leave your emotions at the door and never, ever, try to catch a falling knife. I strive to find breakout stock alerts and deliver them before the market finds out.

I sure hope you enjoyed this article, if you would like to receive more exclusive content from me sign up for our newsletter below

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TUI AG ADR TUIFY Stock Price is consolidated and ready for a run? Alex has the answer!

TUIFY Stock report

TUIFY Stock Price has been trying to recover since it’s 12 month high of almost $3. Wondering why this stock is having such a hard time and if it can break the overall trend? Keep reading while Alex gives his opinion.

Before we do, remember to stop what you are doing and 👇 Sign up for our newsletter to get the latest breakout stocks and trending stocks!

[thrive_leads id=’14274′]

Before we get started, I wanted to introduce myself to you. Hi 🙋‍♂️ I’m Alexander Goldman and I have been successfully trading breakout stocks and trending stocks for two decades now.

I’m now helping traders find breakout stocks. My claim to fame is the expert at finding trending stocks.

What do I mean by big winners?

Stocks that move more than 100% in a month! TUIFY Stock Price could?

Does that always happen, NO! But, I’m very good! Take a look at this article I wrote, where I called 5 stocks, 3 losers and 2 winners and they all did what I thought!

The article is HERE where I shine a spotlight on trending stocks and breakout stocks!

Now, let’s go over some of the basic information on this stock before we get in the technical analysis

TUI AG ADR Company Information

Company Name: TUI AG ADR

Ticker: TUIFY

Exchange: OTC


TUIFY Stock Price will be impacted by the technicals on the chart, look below!

TUIFY 5 Day Chart

TUIFY stock price

TUIFY Stock Price Technical Analysis:

I am not a big fan of this stock. The chart is bearish on the 1 year. The chart is bearish on the 5 day too. This stock is a stinker unless of course it can beat $1.50 but I still wouldn’t trust it.

This is Alex, reminding all the traders out there to leave your emotions at the door and never, ever, try to catch a falling knife. I strive to find breakout stock alerts and deliver them before the market finds out.

I sure hope you enjoyed this article, if you would like to receive more exclusive content from me sign up for our newsletter below

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Nel ASA NLLSF Stock Price is ready for another run? Shocking Analysis

NLLSF stock price

NLLSF Stock Price has been trying to recover since it’s Nov high of almost $10. Wondering why this stock is having such a hard time and if it can break the overall trend? Before we do, remember to stop what you are doing and 👇 Sign up for our newsletter to get the latest breakout stocks and trending stocks!

[thrive_leads id=’14274′]

Before we get started, I wanted to introduce myself to you. Hi 🙋‍♂️ I’m Alexander Goldman and I have been successfully trading breakout stocks and trending stocks for two decades now.

I’m now helping traders find breakout stocks. My claim to fame is the expert at finding trending stocks.

What do I mean by big winners?

Stocks that move more than 100% in a month! NLLSF Stock Price could?

Does that always happen, NO! But, I’m very good! Take a look at this article I wrote, where I called 5 stocks, 3 losers and 2 winners and they all did what I thought!

The article is HERE where I shine a spotlight on trending stocks and breakout stocks!

Now, let’s go over some of the basic information on this stock before we get in the technical analysis

Nel ASA Company Information

Company Name: Nel ASA

Ticker: NLLSF

Exchange: OTC


Nel ASA Company Summary:

NEL ASA operates as a hydrogen company, which provides solutions to produce, store and distribute hydrogen from renewable energy. Its hydrogen solutions cover the value chain from hydrogen production technologies to manufacturing of hydrogen fueling stations. The firm operates through the following segments: Nel Hydrogen Fueling and Nel Hydrogen Electrolyser. The Nel Hydrogen Fueling segment engages in manufacturing of hydrogen fueling stations providing fuel cell electric vehicles with the same fast fueling and long range as conventional fossil fuel vehicles. The Nel Hydrogen Electrolyser segment operates as a global supplier of hydrogen production equipment and plants based on both alkaline and PEM water electrolyser technology. The company was founded by Erik Anders Lönneborg and Praveen Sharma in 1927 and is headquartered in Oslo, Norway.

NLLSF stock price is due to News?

16 February 2022) Nel ASA (Nel) reported all time high revenues of NOK 248.1 million in the fourth quarter of 2021, up from NOK 229.1 million in the same quarter of 2020 and an EBITDA of negative NOK -167.7 million (Q4 2020: -96.2) following the global scale-up strategy to maintain the leadership position in a market set to grow rapidly. The company had an order intake of NOK 418 million in the period ending the quarter with a record order backlog. The addressable project pipeline doubled during the fourth quarter of 2021, providing a strong long-term outlook.

NLLSF 5 Day Chart

NLLSF stock price

NLLSF Stock Price Technical Analysis:

NLLSF is trending stock for good reason, I like it. I would place a stop loss at $1.80.

This is Alex, reminding all the traders out there to leave your emotions at the door and never, ever, try to catch a falling knife. I strive to find breakout stock alerts and deliver them before the market finds out.

I sure hope you enjoyed this article, if you would like to receive more exclusive content from me sign up for our newsletter below

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Hycroft HYMC Stock Price is consolidated and ready for a run? URGENT Update

HYMC stock price

HYMC Stock Price has been trying to recover since it’s March 21 high of almost $8. Wondering why this NASDAQ stock is having such a hard time and if it can break the overall trend?

Before we do, remember to stop what you are doing and 👇 Sign up for our newsletter to get the latest breakout stocks and trending stocks!

[thrive_leads id=’14274′]

Before we get started, I wanted to introduce myself to you. Hi 🙋‍♂️ I’m Alexander Goldman and I have been successfully trading breakout stocks and trending stocks for two decades now.

I’m now helping traders find breakout stocks. My claim to fame is the expert at finding trending stocks.

What do I mean by big winners?

Stocks that move more than 100% in a month! HYMC Stock Price could?

Does that always happen, NO! But, I’m very good! Take a look at this article I wrote, where I called 5 stocks, 3 losers and 2 winners and they all did what I thought!

The article is HERE where I shine a spotlight on trending stocks and breakout stocks!

Now, let’s go over some of the basic information on this stock before we get in the technical analysis

Hycroft Mining Holding Corp. Company Information

Company Name: Hycroft Mining Holding Corp.

Ticker: HYMC

Exchange: NASDAQ


Hycroft Mining Holding Corp. Company Summary:

Hycroft Mining Holding Corp. engages in the exploration, mining, and development of gold and silver properties. The company was founded on August 28, 2017 and is headquartered in Winnemucca, NV.

HYMC stock price is due to News?

Feb. 22, 2022

Provided preliminary operating results for 2021 and results of an Initial Assessment for the Hycroft project. Please see an updated presentation on the homepage of our website at

2021 Highlights

  • Safety: Hycroft’s safety performance was significantly improved with a 0.64 Total Recordable Injury Frequency Rate (TRIFR) at the end of 2021, which was an 80% reduction from 3.24 at the end of 2020. At month end January 2022, the TRIFR improved to a new low of 0.31.
  • Production: Gold production for the year ended December 31, 2021, of 55,668 ounces exceeded the high end of the guidance range as the process team continued to improve equipment, process control and costs. Silver production of 355,967 ounces was approximately 20% below guidance due to slower than planned leach kinetics. Processing of ore on leach pads is currently planned to proceed through the second quarter of 2022. 

Cash Position: The Company ended 2021 with $12.3 million of cash on hand and was in compliance with debt covenants.

HYMC 5 Day Chart

HYMC Stock Price

HYMC Stock Price Technical Analysis:

It’s very simple, If this NASDAQ stock can beat $1.00 -$1.10 if you’re conservative the I like it.

This is Alex, reminding all the traders out there to leave your emotions at the door and never, ever, try to catch a falling knife. I strive to find breakout stock alerts and deliver them before the market finds out.

I sure hope you enjoyed this article, if you would like to receive more exclusive content from me sign up for our newsletter below

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