Clean Coal Technologies Inc. (OTCMKTS:CCTC) is Attracting Smart Money

In a just published Form 13, filed with the US Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC),...
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In a just published Form 13, filed with the US Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC), Clean Coal Technologies Inc. (OTCMKTS:CCTC) reported that Besser James E has picked up 7,107,142 of common stock as of 2017-03-21.

The acquisition brings the aggregate amount owned by Besser James E to a total of 7,107,142 representing a 7.6% stake in the company.

For those not familiar with the company, Clean Coal Technologies, Inc. is a coal technology company. The Company is engaged in developing a multi-stage process that transforms coal into a clean source of fuel. Its technology is designed to utilize controlled heat to extract and capture pollutants and moisture from low-rank coal, transforming it into a cleaner-burning fuel prior to combustion. Its coal cleaning process is designed to ensure that the carbon in coal maintains its structural integrity during the heating process while the volatile matter (polluting material) within the coal turns into a gaseous state and is removed from the coal. Its processes include Pristine, Pristine-M and Pristine-SA. Pristine is designed to remove moisture and volatile matter rendering a cleaner thermal coal. Pristine-M is a coal dehydration technology. Pristine-SA is a development-stage technology designed to eliminate volatile matter in the feed coal and to achieve stable combustion by co-firing it with biomass or natural gas.

A glance at Clean Coal Technologies Inc. (OTCMKTS:CCTC)’s key stats reveals a current market capitalization of 8.29 Million based on 87.32 Million shares outstanding and a price at last close of 0.100 per share.

Looking at insider activity, there are a few transactions worth noting.

Specifically, on 2013-07-09, Eves picked up 1,000,000 at a purchase price of $0.04. This brings their total holding to 40,732,776 as of the date of the filing.

On the sell side, the most recent transaction saw Eves unload 1,082,000  shares at a sale price of $0.02. This brings their total holding to 24,520,377.

It’s possible to gauge a company’s potential by tracking the activity of its major holders, as well as checking in on insider activity such as those transactions listed above. We’ll be keeping an eye on Clean Coal Technologies Inc. (OTCMKTS:CCTC) as things move forward to see if its progress aligns with these transactions.

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